Talking about Pest Control Techniques
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Talking about Pest Control Techniques

Welcome to my site about pest control. I'm Miranda Maloney. Although many people fuss loudly about the presence of spiders in the home, these creatures often clear out the bugs that cause far worse problems. Spiders consume beetles, cockroaches, moths and other pests that wreak havoc throughout the house. Thankfully, however, you can hire a pest control professional to eliminate bugs in your home if you do not want to co-habitate with spiders. In fact, pest control professionals can eliminate the spiders as well. I will share information about pest control tactics, both natural and commercial, on this site. Please follow along to learn more.

Talking about Pest Control Techniques

Protecting Your Trees Against Sponge Moth Infestations

Riley Baker

If you live in an area where sponge moths are known to thrive, you need to be proactive when they emerge as caterpillars in the springtime. Sponge moths (previously known as gypsy moths) cause devastation to both deciduous and pine trees. Because of this, it is important to quickly thwart possible infestations. Here are steps to take to help reduce the amount of damage these pests cause.

Know The Life Cycle Of Sponge Moths

Knowing when sponge moth eggs are expected to hatch, grow into caterpillars, and become moths can help you determine when to take steps to protect your trees. Sponge moth eggs usually hatch in the springtime. When they do, small caterpillars with hairy bodies climb trees in search of leaves to feast on. They stay in trees for a month or two and then make cocoons to carry out the rest of their life cycles. When they emerge from the cocoons as moths, the males fly around and the females remain on the ground underneath trees. The sponge moths then mate, the females lay eggs under trees, and the eggs remain dormant throughout the wintertime. The moths then die off, and the eggs hatch in the spring, keeping the cycle going.

Use Tape On Trees Before Eggs Hatch

Before sponge moth eggs hatch in the spring, take the time to prepare your trees for these pests. Wrap pieces of packing tape around the bases of your trees, several inches from the ground. After you wrap the tape around a tree one or two times, twist it so the sticky side is facing outward and continue to wrap the tree. Repeat this process several inches above the tape line. A few rows of this tape on a tree traps caterpillars that try making their way toward the leaves. Remove the tape when it has several trapped caterpillars on it and replace the tape so you capture more of these pests.

Be On The Lookout For Sponge Moth Eggs

After sponge moth caterpillars make cocoons, you will likely begin to see moths flying around your trees within a few weeks. At this time, be diligent about checking the bases of your trees and the ground under them for signs of moth eggs. These are usually large piles of orange or tan round eggs. They may resemble a pile of soil or animal excrement. When you locate a pile, use a shovel to remove it and burn it before disposing of the remnants in your trash. Removing these egg piles aids in protecting your trees against infestations the following year.

Contact a pest control service to learn more. 
