Talking about Pest Control Techniques
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Talking about Pest Control Techniques

Welcome to my site about pest control. I'm Miranda Maloney. Although many people fuss loudly about the presence of spiders in the home, these creatures often clear out the bugs that cause far worse problems. Spiders consume beetles, cockroaches, moths and other pests that wreak havoc throughout the house. Thankfully, however, you can hire a pest control professional to eliminate bugs in your home if you do not want to co-habitate with spiders. In fact, pest control professionals can eliminate the spiders as well. I will share information about pest control tactics, both natural and commercial, on this site. Please follow along to learn more.

Talking about Pest Control Techniques

3 Signs Of A Carpenter Ant Infestation

Riley Baker

Carpenter ants are a particular type of ant that, much like termites, will take up residence in wooden structures and create a wide and extensive network of tunnels that cause a great deal of structural damage. For that reason, a carpenter ant infestation within your home can cause quite a bit of disruption and costly damage. Understanding some of the warning signs associated with a carpenter ant population within your home can help you identify an infestation early so that you can contact a pest control specialist before the damage becomes too extensive. 

1. Chewing Sounds in the Walls

One of the first and easiest to spot signs that you have a carpenter ant problem in your home is if you notice that there are odd sounds coming from the walls or other wooden surfaces in your home. These sounds will sound like munching, chewing, or rustling, and are created by the ants as they tunnel their way through the wood in making their colony. Unlike termites, carpenter ants don't actually eat the wood that they tunnel through, so you should keep an eye out for sawdust around your walls and other wooden surfaces as well, as it has to be emptied out of the tunnels that they are building.

2. Spongy or Hollow Sounding Wood

Another very clear indication that you may have a carpenter ant problem is if you notice that certain wooden surfaces in your home feel soft or flaky to the touch, or if there is a hollow noise when you knock against it. The extent of the hollow sound and how soft the wood feels to the touch is directly correlated with how extensive and old the infestation is: in severe cases, the tunnels will be severe enough to undermine the structural integrity of your wooden surfaces, which can cause divots and unevenness in furniture, walls, and other surfaces.

3. Shed Wings

Finally, one of the last signs that carpenter ants have taken up residence within your home is if you notice that there are piles of shed wings throughout your home. Carpenter ants will shed their wings normally as a part of their aging process as they set up colonies, which can lead to large piles around your home. Keep an eye around windows, doors, and other points of entry, where carpenter ants are more likely to first get into your home and thus shed their wings.

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